
Sep 26, 20233 min

Appreciate the Changing Seasons

Everyone has their favorite season, I expect. For me, it's autumn. This year, the Autumnal equinox officially brought fall to the Northern hemisphere on September 23.

There are so many aspects to love about autumn. Cooler temperatures make us reach for that hot mug of deliciousness, a cozy blanket and a pup with whom to snuggle, and let's not deny that indomitable itch to light the wood in the fireplace. Wind is blowing little mini-tornados outside, the biting insects are all gone, and suddenly the crunch of leaves underfoot becomes music to our ears. And let's not forget the pumpkins. Here a pumpkin, there a pumpkin, everywhere a pumpkin. Am I right? And somewhere amidst these reasons, there is the relief that summer's flurry of activities has finally ceased, leaving time for a new event to add to your calendar, like the one we hosted this past Saturday. Ah, gotta love fall.

A LIVE Clue Event - Who Done it?

As you may have heard, we hosted a LIVE Clue event this past Saturday. In the photo here, you'll notice the cast of characters...or should I say suspects. As with any event, there are many moving pieces that must be in place in order for the event to go smoothly. As a type-A personality, I thoroughly enjoy tackling these minute details, and planning for all possible contingencies. I knew the evening would be a fun one, but we were completely blown away over how the players in the game dramatized their roles as characters. I had assigned ticket holders a specific character name in advance, provided a tiny bio to them of their character, and asked them to wear something appropriate for that character.

Now, unlike the board game, LIVE Clue players physically pick up the weapon and place it in the room to make their suggestion. To my amazement, each time a character selected a weapon, and took it to a room to make a suggestion, a whole ad-libbed skit played out before our eyes. It was like the characters took to their own stage to engage with their audience, one-on-one. In my right-brained, pre-cognitive planning hat, I had never even imagined that the LIVE Clue characters would take the game to this level. It was hilariously theatrical. It was highly creative. It was unexpectedly inspirational. It was obvious from the smiles on the faces of the players and the roaring laughter that erupted from the players, that the evening was a resounding success. And although I really would like to take the credit for the outcome for all the diligent planning and details I had worked out behind the scenes, I have to admit the participants stole the show. And if you are wondering, was it really Professor Plum in the Dining Room with the Candlestick? NO, it was not. If you must know, it was Dr. Azure in the Library with the Lead Pipe. Who knew?

If you are interested in participating in a special LIVE Clue event in the future, please let us know. We would love to read your feedback and are open to suggestions for future events. In the meantime, raise a glass of hot apple cider (or mulled wine) and let's toast to life, the phenomenal season of Autumn, and to all the wondrous happenings that we have yet to experience!

Check out our website to read about the event we have planned for October. And while you're there, don't forget to Subscribe to receive our newsletter. Thank you for reading.